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3d circuit printer

Submitted by Allan Visochek on
<p>Get Reprap working properly (calibration and everything)</p> <p>Possibly add additional extruder(s). Experiment printing with conductive polymers to make 3d circuit components.</p> <p>This is just for fun for now, but maybe this might give way to a more versatile form of 3D printing.</p> <p>Open to any suggestions.</p>

DIY Stedicam

Submitted by Robert Narracci on


Is anyone interested in building their own StediCam? I just threw one together last weekend. Some specialty parts like gimbals and bearings would have to be preordered so I'd need a commitment. I think its doable for under 30 or 40 bucks. I would try to do this before Christmas season fires up.


HERMS (Heat Exchange Recirculating Mash) Automated Brewing

Submitted by Richard Rodgers on

Project Update - August 6, 2013 - Update 1: Filtering

One of the finished brews done prior to chlorine filter installation was ready to keg, but the off flavors were strong enough to discourage it.  The jury is still out as to the cause of the off flavors, but in an attempt to save the beer, and to play around, we acquired a 0.5-7 micron beer filter.


eGFP Beer

Submitted by Andrew Chastain on

Last meeting (9/11/12) we discussed making fluorescent, glowing beer by making yeast that produce one of the common fluorescent tags. I've poked around on the internet some and there a few considerations about the possibility of making this: