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Workshop Income Based Price Adjustment Request

MakeHaven offers reduced cost of workshops with qualifying incomes. Complete the form with your income information to determine if you qualify. Those who qualify will be sent a code for a price reduction. This code will be rotated periodically and additional workshop price reductions will require re-submission of this form to confirm price reduction still is applicable.

If none of the income options apply then you are not eligible for the price reduction.

For Income and Taxes I am considered
We use the size of family along with household income level to determine workshop price adjustment.

By submitting this form you attest that the information provided is truthful.
MakeHaven may request additional information as documentation as a condition of participating at the adjusted price.


When you submit this form, the system will redirect you to the event registration page, with the pricing adjustment you qualify for automatically applied. There is no wait or follow-up, you will be able to register immediately.