Miller Millermatic 140 |
Wire spools available for sale in the Make Haven Store.
Tripod Pipe chain vise + pipe bender
Shoulder Dolly |
1 Lifting strap + 1 Harness (not 2!) in box
Corded compact router with a lot of attachments.
D36000 |
Dewalt DWS713 |
Dewalt DHS790 |
DCE531 |
DW079LGK |
dcd740 |
DCK299P2 |
DCK299P2 |
DCK299P2 |
This Fiskars axe is for splitting logs.
DCW600 |
DCN682 |
There is a mount that goes on the rear axle of a bike to attach the trailer to. Taking the skewer in and out can be a pain on some bikes, so there are extra mounts available for sale in the Store if you would like to permanently have a mount on your bike.
Make sure to follow all of the instructions, especially about cleaning the machine after use! Bring two 5 gallon buckets,and if you are going somewhere without a hose fill one of them with water for cleaning.
Please clean after use.
DS321 |
Uses 3"x21" belts.
-Ball Joint Service
-Universal Joint Service
-Truck Brake Anchor Pin Service
DWMT81535 |
Proto 6062C |
Set wrench to the appropriate torque, use it until it clicks, indicating that the desired torque has been reached. Set the torque back to the lowest value when finished. Torque range: 40-200 Inch-Pounds
DWHT43025 |
STHT20361 |
DWHT55518 |
DWHT56032 |
DWHT56030 |
DWHT20547L |
DWHT56025 |
DWHT80269 |
Irwin 274104 |
DWHT80276 |
DW0330SN |
DWHT20545L |
Select the tip appropriate for the size rivet you are using. Open the gun all the way to insert the skinny end of the rivet. Insert the wider end of the rivet through the holes of what you're riveting. Squeeze the handle until the rivet pops.
308042000G |
For use on wood, plastic, drywall, and soft metals (not stainless or hardened steels).
Ridgid 12" |
DCW200 |
DCW210 |
DCW210 |
DCS354 |
DCG418 + DWE46152 |
DCK263D2 |
DWE4997NVS |
DCT414S1 |
Requires 12V 1.3AH (DCB120)
DWMT19249 |
DXW726 |
DCE560 and DCB112 |
DCS389 |
Requires 20V/60V 9AH Flexvolt Battery (DCB609)
DCD460T2 |
DW0881T |
DCS369 |
DWMT82839 |
Set the tool to the desired torque, and then use the wrench until you hear a 'click' sound. Make sure to reset the torque to the lowest value when finished. Torque range: 50-250 Foot-Pounds.
DCS491M2 |
Requires 20V 4AH battery (DCB204)
DCS578X2 |
1966893 |
DWST11155 |
DCM848 |
Uses 20V 5AH Battery (DCB205)
DCF899 |
DCS371 |
DWE43144N |
DW089LG |
The Cadillac of laser levels. Uses 12V battery.
DWMT81535 |
DCP580 |
D25951 |
DCD796 + DCF887 |
Does not include bits
DCE 400 |
DCS520T1 |
DCH263 |
DCL061 |
DCN680 |
DCE800 |
For all your drywall sanding needs
DCS690 |
DCE511 |
DWV010 Type 12 |
Clean worksites, happy lungs.
Dry work only. Not a wetvac.
DCBL772 |
DCHT820 |
DWE7485 |
DCST970 |
Uses 60v battery
DCPS620 |
Be sure to photograph all pieces/accessories when returning.
Great for events that need distributed power