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Next Wave Shark RS1000 PRO

Submitted by Greg Gawel on

The Shark RS1000 PRO transforms nearly any router table into a full-fledged TWO Axis CNC giving you unmatched accuracy by allowing your fence or bit to be moved by as little as one-thousandth of an inch.

The SHARK RS1000 PRO software accepts standard, metric, decimal, or fraction measurements, and comes with preloaded applications for more than a dozen common router and specialty joinery functions, including Box Joints, Biscuit Slots, Dovetail, Dado, Lock Miter, Fluting, Key Hole, Pocket Hole and more.


Submitted by Laurel Lyngklip on

Chainsaw for lending library and for woodshop.

I've been interested in turning some larger pieces of wood on the lathe and needed to cut them down to size, but the mouth on the band saw was too small. There are no tools in the shop that were able to cut the wood down to size, only hand saws.

Dewalt chainsaw (18 in) at home depot $400. 12in $279.

Jewelers drill press

Submitted by Jerome Schmitt on

Machine Shop, Jewelry Shop, and Electronics Shop can all benefit from a small accessible high speed drill press. High speeds are necessary to spin the tiny drills used to make small holes in Jewelry parts, Printed Circuit Boards, and small-scale precision devices.

Although not a recommendation, this $118 drill-press at this link achieves 8500 RPM.