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Shaper Tool ( Hand Held CNC Router )

Submitted by Jay Johnson on

As the Gerber CNC has been in development for over a year and projects larger than the Shapeoko can handle are inaccessible to members at the moment. A handheld CNC would allow a stop-gap to allow the working of much larger projects than can be contained within a table.

Moreover, as it is portable... it could conceivably be used offsite for outreach events and other engagements (provided that event sites have the proper power requirements).

16" Jointer

Submitted by Steelsen Smith on

From Slack:
16” plus the infeed/outfeed length is a game changer; being able to joint wide components post glue-up is amazing

The fundraiser is live! MakeHaven will be matching, so we just need to reach $1000.

Replace Broken Sewing Machines with Durable Metal Machines (Such as Necchi)

Submitted by Catherine Caze… on

We have discussed among the sewing team. We really think we should replace the existing donated sewing machines which keep failing by buying at least three reliable new sewing machines. We have all worked with Necchi's during the Threads and Needles program and are very familiar with them. Catherine can obtain them locally at a discounted price. We think they are sound sewing machines that have all metal parts and therefore do not break easily, like the Kenmore. We think this is important considering the frequency of use.