2x72 Belt Grinder
A great tool for knife making
A great tool for knife making
Very useful for finishing dado or sliding dovetail joints. Veritas has a nice model, very easy to sharpen (https://www.leevalley.com/en-us/shop/tools/hand-tools/planes/router/526…) but a used Stanley 71 can probably work as well.
Likely upgrade to something like https://www.grainger.com/product/21YR64?gclid=Cj0KCQiA1KiBBhCcARIsAPWqo…
It would be nice for members to easily design their logos, etc. to go onto products/swag. Some options:
https://babylock.com/machines/multi-needle-embroidery/intrepid ($13,000-$14,000 sometimes 10k on sale)
Infrequently used but super helpful -- we would borrow or rent!
Portable compressor with nail gun (brad and/or finish) + staple gun. Infrequently used but very useful -- we would be willing to borrow or rent!
Useful for welding things at 90 degrees to eachother: https://www.weldingstore.com/products/stronghand-3-axis-fixture-vise?va…
It's just a really nice hand tool https://www.knewconcepts.com/MK4-5-inch-saws.php
Sometimes when I want to head over and use a machine that requires a buddy, I show up and no one is in the space. It would be nice to be able to check in quickly and save myself a potential drive.