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4 years 3 months
MakeHaven Main Space
The main makerspace and connected shops. This is located at 770 Chapel Street. Registered participants should ring the MakeHaven labeled doorbell. They will be directed down a long hallway, and down a set of stairs to our basement workshop.
Participants will prepare to grow artificial leather-like material from the bacteria found in Kombucha. Each student will prepare one tray. The group will experiment with different sources of Kombucha bacteria/scoby/mother so results can be compared when harvested. The session will include a lecture informing students about the nature of bacteria in Kombucha and how that translates in to the leather-like material that is produced.
Session 1 Agenda
6:00pm - Gather and immediately start boling water
Introductions (as water boils)
6:10pm - Infuse tea and sugar
Lecture on Kombucha/Bacteria Science durnig infusion / boil for 30 minutes
6:40pm - Start cooling to room temperature
Prepare trays and discuss potential uses during cooling procedure
7:10 pm - Transfer to trays and add scoby
Cleanup when transferred
7:30 End
Supplied by MakeHaven
- Scoby (supplied by MakeHaven but bring your own to experiement)
- Cider Vinegar
- Tea (option to bring own to experiment)
- Starter
- Plastic growing tray
- Sugar
The leather takes a couple weeks to grow so a followup session is required to harvest the scoby. At this follow up session students will compare the results of their efforts and learn how to dry the scoby. They will take their product home, returning when the leather has dried to sew a simple product like a wallet from the material they grew.
- Session 1 - Prep - (June 29th) - Students prepare a tray to culture "leather".
Waiting while it grows
- Session 2 - Harvest - (July 14th) - Grown product is extracted and examined. Wet product is taken home to dry.
Waiting while it drys
- Session 3 - Create - (July 28th) - Group gathers to compare and do final pre on dried results. Group cuts material and hand sews a wallet or other small item from "leather" and discuss possibilities in fashion.