An event happening exclusivly via Zoom, Google Meet or similar online video communication system. A link will typically be shared via email once a person has registered or will be posted to the event page.
Early in the pandemic there was a projection of a serious ventilator shortage. MakeHaven members stepped into action collaborating on a building and testing an open source design from the AmboVent team with the intention of scaling the design locally. Fortunately the MakeHaven emergency ventilator was never called into action.
In the process of building the ventilator involved engineering and creative fabrication in many areas:
- Sheet metal
- Casting
- Electronics
- Programming
- 3d Printing
- Mechanical Assembly
- Sourcing
Team members will give a high level overview of the processes they used as well as lessons learned.
- The problem / setup / sourcing materials (Lior) - 10 minutes
- Modeling / Cad / Enclosure (Lior) - 10 minutes
- Casting / Mechanical assembly (Lior) - 10 Minutes
- Electronics and software (Cedric) - 10 minutes
- Putting it all together/ if scale was needed / Next steps / Volunteer recognition (Lior) 10 minutes
- Questions - 10 minutes+