Robodominators 5142 - First Robotics
Team that builds robots to compete FIRST Robotics competitions.
MakeHaven Main Space
The main makerspace and connected shops. This is located at 770 Chapel Street. Registered participants should ring the MakeHaven labeled doorbell. They will be directed down a long hallway, and down a set of stairs to our basement workshop.
FIRST is a global robotics community preparing young people for the future and the world's leading youth-serving nonprofit advancing STEM education. Teams build robots to compete with other teams in accomplishing goals.
A community based team. RoboDominators has partnered with MakeHaven to build a better robot that uses components made at MakeHaven.
Come meet the two most recent robots. The team will demo the robots capabilities and there will be a show and tell style conversations about the features and design choices made during the construction.
Others are interested to bring their robots, and we will do an informal show and tell.
You can learn more about the team at: