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MakeHaven Main Space

The main makerspace and connected shops. This is located at 770 Chapel Street. Registered participants should ring the MakeHaven labeled doorbell. They will be directed down a long hallway, and down a set of stairs to our basement workshop.

The make-a-thon is a two day celebration and marathon of making. Participants will work on teams to create something wonderful. At the end of the day everyone will come together and show off what they have made. There will be prizes and celebration. 

Everyone will have access to the resources and advice from the experts at MakeHaven. Just think what you could make with a woodshop, CNC mill, 3d Printers, sewing machines, laser cutters and electronics equipment. For additional work space and a clean space for meetings and meals we are also taking over the Grove (neighboring co-working space). 

Day one we will have people with ideas pitch them so people looking for ideas can join a team. The next morning the making really get going. MakeHaven opens at 8am and building happens till the activity is halted for presentations and judging. Winners are picked and the event moves to the bar for a happy hour and networking.

Makers will have the choice of competing in a wide open making category or in a specific challenge: electronics, paper craft, cooking, sewing, woodworking, 3d printing, casting, assemblage, you name it.

All three meals (Saturday) included in ticket price.

Open to all above 18 years of age.


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 Organized By: MakeHaven

Partners: The GroveCT Next 

Sponsors: Your company here. Emaill to get started.