MakeHaven Main Space
The main makerspace and connected shops. This is located at 770 Chapel Street. Registered participants should ring the MakeHaven labeled doorbell. They will be directed down a long hallway, and down a set of stairs to our basement workshop.
The New Haven hackathon is the headline event of the Northeast Hackathon series where innovative people get together and fuse software and hardware to make amazing inventions. Anyone can join. We are looking for programmers, electrical engineers, business peoples, artists and enthusiasts connect in teams that leverage everyone's skills.
This hackaton will be featuring a Smart Cities Challenge to leverage data from sensors installed in public corridors that can be used to improve our city and quality of life. The hackathon will involve building and using sensors in a public space. More details to come.
Prior to the event we will have a set of 3 hour meetups for people to work on building sensors that will be installed. These will be free and held at MakeHaven, July 18, Aug 15 and Sept 1.
Three days, over a weekend, of self-directed learning and building tech projects that answer a basic challenge given by organizers.