Member for
1 year 11 months
1st Floor Room
This educational room has seating and tables suitable for instruction away from the noise of the main workshop. It is located on the first floor of 770 Chapel Street. Guests should ring the MakeHaven doorbell, then proceed down the long hallway. When you get the main MakeHaven staircase by the double elevators, rather than go downstairs, proceed through the double glass doors, take a right down the hallway and you will see a room with a big robot sticker on the door.
Have you ever wondered how the stuff you use everyday goes from idea to reality? Are you curious about the tools and techniques used by professional designers to research, conceptualize and develop ideas into the next generation of user experiences? In this class series, you will learn how to work from a problem statement all the way to prototype and what you need to do in order to communicate your idea to others.
Based on the "five steps of design process" theory, this class is more process-focused than specific idea development. Focused on teaching people the ropes of product development participants are welcome to come with a pre-existing idea, but it might be best to start with a clean slate for the benefit of learning.
All participants should bring a sketchbook and their favorite writing tools for taking notes and jotting down ideas.
This class runs for 5 consecutive Mondays, at the same 6p - 8p.
Ticket Prices:
General Public: $88
Partnership members: $79
MakeHaven members: $75