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Shapeoko Mill

Required to use the Shapeoko Mill


Quick Notes:

  • Functional working surface = 33” X, 33” Y, 4” Z travel
  • Accepts bits with 1/4” & 1/8” collet
  • Not web based like old model, you need to bring files on a USB drive or email them
  • T-track anchors accept M6 bolts
Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
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Facilitator Checkout

Community Facilitators are volunteers who to advise MakeHaven members on projects and show members how to use the tools.

Facilitator hours will be BY APPOINTMENT during their listed hours. To make an appointment, contact the facilitator directly via Slack. To prevent unnecessary space access during the pandemic, facilitators will not be in the space unless they have an appointment. Note that some facilitators are available only for online virtual appointments at this time. Any questions please email

Community Facilitators are volunteers who to advise MakeHaven members on projects and show members how to use the tools.

When Photo Name / Activity Area

Jeffrey Cargos



David Holland



Darcy Canales

Late Night Badging: Multiple Popular Tools

Darcy Canales 2025-02-04

Darcy Canales
Appointment Note
Do I need to bring any supplies? I just want a general check-out/badge for the Shapeoko, and then later the Gerber CNC.
appointment Status
Appointment Date
Badge Checkout