Member for
3 years 11 months
1st Floor Room
This educational room has seating and tables suitable for instruction away from the noise of the main workshop. It is located on the first floor of 770 Chapel Street. Guests should ring the MakeHaven doorbell, then proceed down the long hallway. When you get the main MakeHaven staircase by the double elevators, rather than go downstairs, proceed through the double glass doors, take a right down the hallway and you will see a room with a big robot sticker on the door.
Do you have an idea for a new event, civic improvement, startup, and other projects — that you want to present to the community with the goal of finding energy, support, and resources to turn the idea into a reality?
We can help you develop that pitch. There here are many tips and tricks to developing a good pitch that the early entrepreneur is not likely to know. In this session Richard Guha will break down the elements of a winning pitch. This will be followed by a questions and answers session with Richard. Participants will be encouraged to sketch out a 5 minute pitch to practice, even if only a partial pitch or just an idea.
Event agenda-
- Lecture from Richard on how to create great pitch -30 Minutes
- Q&A with Richard - 15 Minutes
- Group breakout pitch practice -30 Minutes
- Group Debrief- 15 Minutes
This event is a great building block to become a competitor in the Start New Haven pitch night.
submission for Start New Haven are due by Oct 28th...more information at
This session will also be helpful for developing a pitch you can do for the EIA Awards (which award $10,000) for winning pitches.