Awesome kick starter project
I love kick starter and every other crowd funded tool that is out there. Why? Cause when I see projects like this…
I get inspired!
I love kick starter and every other crowd funded tool that is out there. Why? Cause when I see projects like this…
I get inspired!
this is pretty
Drooling at this over the weekend in terms of design but the simplicity but it seems to simple and too easy.
Ever heard of the Bonderman fellowship? It's a fellowship that gives 20,000 dollars to a recent graduate with the idea that they go out and explore the world. More details here: I wish I had done something like this after graduation.
Startup Weekends are cool. Makeathons are cool. Startup Weekends + Makeathon = ???
They had one out at TechShop
I've been talking to some people in the general area that have access to some technical tools and personnell about doing something like this.
If there was a Maker Startup Weekend, what would you like the focus to be and what would you like to get out of the weekend?
3d printers + scanning famous art work = awesome future remixes and creations…
I reached out to Erika Lynch , who is the head of workforce development institute over at Gateway Community college and we spoke about their CNC program. They are consolidating their campus into the new location in New Haven but expect to be ready by the 1st of August. She said that she would be happy to do a site tour and for us to have a look at their CNC machine. She also is intrigued by what Makehaven has to offer and is going to come by on a tuesday night once they have moved to the new campus.
Learn how to test your software. We'll start off with some basic open source tools that you can use. We'll go into cross platform/browser/mobile device testing as well as internationalization & globalization testing. There may be some hacking as well :)
Ever since joining makehaven I've become obsesseed with additive manufacturing and 5 axis CNC. While using the RepRap and using all of the software associated with it has been a blast, the chance to get access to a 5 axis machine is really limited. So I began my quest for CNC.
Drop in and meet the makers.