This is a picture of MakeHaven before we moved anything in. Its like a blank canvas. The possibilities are endless.
What the makerspace actually looks like will depend on what equipment we get and what the membership decides is the best way to organize. To get the conversation going I decided to draw some diagrams detailing my vision of how we could organize. The basic concept that I have is based on several areas that have all the tools organized for various purposes: these include: a kitchen, craft, mechanical, computer and mechanical areas (woodworking would be in the basement where there is more space). Most of these areas are open to the a flex area that can be used when any project requires more space or when we are conducting a workshop.
This is a rendering looking toward the back of the space from the front. I choose to render it with some funky multi colored lights. More then a workshop I hope the space has a fun and creative vibe.
Here is another shot looking toward the the work stations. It will be very important how we organize the tools and materials at each station. I like the idea of keeping them fairly open but so people can work together across stations.
I did several other images. You can check them in the gallary.
Updated: Attached Files for Sweet Home 3d