You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. First Name Last Name Email (if changed since appointment) Phone (if changed since appointment) Do you wish to keep your primary focus area? yes no If you are interested in changing (or adding/subtracting areas) please check all that you’d like to be involved with: Sewing Electronics and Computers 3d Printing Arts Woodworking Brewing, Cooking, Food Science Digital Cutting Engage – Help organize and participate in at least 1 community events related to your focus area per 6 month appointment. Ensure that Make people from every skill level and background are encouraged and empowered to take part in your area. Please provide a couple of sentences explaining how you have fulfilled these goals in your last 6 months as a MakeHaven animator. Be as specific as possible. Create resources - Design and execute at least 1 sample project per 6 month appointment that can be displayed in MakeHaven/one the projects page of our website. Provide at least 1 new resource for the community (a blog post, a learning guide or resource) per 6 month appointment. Please provide a couple of sentences explaining how you have fulfilled these goals in your last 6 months as a MakeHaven animator. Be as specific as possible. Cultivate positive community – Be a leader in discerning how to best organize the space; keep the areas related to your focus clean. Serve as a role model by demonstrating strong adherence to MakeHaven policies. Supplies - Keep an eye on supplies in your area of work. Request reorders when running low. Suggest new equipment and supplies. Equipment - Regularly inspect tools and equipment for your focus area. Report or maintain as necessary. Offer Support - Support members using and learning about various pieces of equipment. Develop Leadership - Identify others who can take on a volunteer role. Coach them and make a recommendation for who is the next animator following your tenure. Can you make a 6 month, 4 hour per week commitment? yes no Do you wish to retain your current animator time slot? Yes: my current time works well No, I’d prefer to move my shift to the time indicated below. If you wish to change your animator time slot, what time(s) are better for you? Submit