Member for
6 years 7 months
MakeHaven Main Space
The main makerspace and connected shops. This is located at 770 Chapel Street. Registered participants should ring the MakeHaven labeled doorbell. They will be directed down a long hallway, and down a set of stairs to our basement workshop.
Meet and greet, and casual exchange of knowledge for outdoor Enthusiasts such as Boaters, Campers, Climbers and Sailors to use skills to create knots, splices and more.
We will organize a demonstration of making Soft Shackles from Dyneema as well as creating a Monkey Fist from heaving lines.
We will briefly discuss the characteristics of ropes and knots in different applications.
We encurage people to bring their ropes and example knots to share. We will have an informal show and tell for those interested in sharing what they have learned or made.
We will have light snacks and refreshments. BYOB welcome.
This is free and open to anyone. Minors must be accompanied by guardian.
This meetup is lead by MakeHaven member, MaryAnn Davis