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2 years 8 monthsMember for
6 years 2 months
1st Floor Room
This educational room has seating and tables suitable for instruction away from the noise of the main workshop. It is located on the first floor of 770 Chapel Street. Guests should ring the MakeHaven doorbell, then proceed down the long hallway. When you get the main MakeHaven staircase by the double elevators, rather than go downstairs, proceed through the double glass doors, take a right down the hallway and you will see a room with a big robot sticker on the door.
This is a panel discussion focused on sharing best practices and real live experiences using different tools and techniques to sell what they made. Each of the presenters have sold on these platforms and will be able to demonstrate some lessons learned about what works and how to get started.
(15 minutes) Selling with an online Shopify - JR
(15 minutes) Selling with Amazon - JR
(15 minutes) Selling on Etsy - Iris
(15 minutes) Alternative Selling sources - Paul
(30 Minutes) Open discussion + Q and A with panel
Link to join zoom meeting: