Member for
5 years 10 months
MakeHaven Main Space
The main makerspace and connected shops. This is located at 770 Chapel Street. Registered participants should ring the MakeHaven labeled doorbell. They will be directed down a long hallway, and down a set of stairs to our basement workshop.
Come and join us for a 3-hour screen printing workshop with artist Ana Henriques.
Join us for screenprinting where we learn the photo emulsion method to burn an image to a silkscreen! This class will require you to send your chosen image to your instructor beforehand, to ensure it is ready for printing on the day of the workshop. The emulsion method is a great way to print a highly detailed image repeatedly on paper or textiles. MakeHaven will have pieces of fabric that can be used to learn on, participants are encouraged to bring t-shirts from home to print on and/or other materials. Students will have the option to purchase their screen at the end of the workshop.
You can watch the badging video for screen printing HERE. Badging is not required to take part in this class.