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Current Facilitator Application Update
Current Facilitator Application Update
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First Name
Last Name
Adding this info on to the signage
What are your plans for the coming term? (March - Aug)
I'd like to reapply to continue as a facilitator
I will be completing my time as a facilitator at the end of this month.
Do you want to change your area(s) or scheduled time?
Nope, I'm good to stick with it as is
I'd like to change my scheduled time
I'd like to change my facilitating area(s)
If you are requesting changes, please provide details here (new area, new time, etc.)
Sad to see you go! Do you have any suggestions for members or others that might be good to facilitate in this area?
What type of events do you want to do?
Group badging events
Make a thing in order to learn a tool
Woodworker meetups, textile talk, stitch & bitch, etc.
put other ideas below
What is the best part about being a facilitator?
What is the worst part about being a facilitator?
Please provide any additional feedback you have about the facilitator program, badging process, scheduling, etc.
Provide details about your thoughts on events, timing, or any other details you want to share
Are you interested in leading Build & Badge events? These are PAID jobs, separate from facilitating.
YES I'd be interested in both facilitating and leading B&B
YES, I'd be interested in leading B&B and would prefer that instead of regular facilitating.
No thanks, Build & Badge is not for me.
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