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Clovia McIntosh, Founder of IRL Innovations, Makes Things That Make Life a Little Bit Easier

Submitted by Make Haven on

When Clovia McIntosh comes across an unmet need in everyday life, she doesn’t lament its absence – she invents something to solve the problem.

A graduate of the University of Bridgeport business school, Clovia is the founder of IRL Innovations – IRL standing for, appropriately enough, "In Real Life." With an eye towards "inventing real-life solutions for real life problems," Clovia has developed designs for three separate products, all intended to make everyday life just a little bit easier.

Clovia’s flagship product is Toobe, a foldable, standup bathtub insert designed to prevent young

MakeHaven Vaccination Requirement

Submitted by Make Haven on

This policy has been updated. 

See most up to date pandemic polices at:


As you know, MakeHaven is more than just a space with tools and equipment; we are a community, and we value this community enormously and personally. Motivated by the safety of all of our members, we have decided to implement a vaccination mandate at MakeHaven. Starting September 1st, everyone entering MakeHaven will be required to have been vaccinated. Unvaccinated members and guests may not enter. We will also

Sewing Success

Submitted by J.R. Logan on

MakeHaven aims to provide people with an empowering space to build skills, foster creativity, and spark entrepreneurship. We are always working to expand the number of people we reach, particularly within communities that have not historically accessed the resources of MakeHaven as often.

When the staff of the New Haven Board of Education reached out to us to ask if we could do a program with parents of Fair Haven students, I knew this was a golden opportunity to introduce this community to MakeHaven. This pilot program would be hybrid, with online introductions to skills followed by  in

Simple foldable & transportable Canvas Print Frame System

Submitted by Coleman Merchant on

Project Idea

The idea for this project was to utilize the (awesome!) large format printer to make prints for myself and others. One of the downsides I've found with framing things (especially large prints) is that the frames become quite ungainly to transport/move with. The aim with this project was to make a system that was more portable and simple - i.e. no glass to break, etc. The canvas material is perfect for this!



The concept is pretty simple: clamp two edges of the print with wood strips, and then use a bar behind the canvas print to stretch the print taught. If the back bar is

Making It Through 2020

Submitted by Kate Cebik on
2020, it’s been a year, right? There have been serious hardships for many people. I don’t in any way discount the very real and difficult losses felt but so many. But also, it feels remiss to not acknowledge the examples of resilience, kindness, and bravery that this year provided. And, I’ll admit, some good news is needed. So allow me to highlight some of the positive moments to come out of MakeHaven this year.
When supply chains went down, makers stepped up
A screenshot of one of several Virtual Sewing Circles where sewists gathered to share ideas, ask questions, and encourage each other in the mask making donation effort.When the pandemic hit in March and businesses were shut down, MakeHaven stepped up to offer help to our community, illustrating just

Workaday Hack - Office Re-Entry Issues

Submitted by Robert Narracci on

So during the Work-At-Home period, my architectural design team got into a rhythm of MSTeams meeting and communicated pretty well. However, we encountered a technical challenge after re-entry to our office. (like other workspaces, we 're slowly filtering in with masks, strict hygeine rules, distancing, and a cap of 50% occupancy). We're still relying upon MSTeams because of travel restrictions and because some teammates are still at home. However, with those in the office sitting 12' away from each other, those speaking are hearing an echo of their own voice through other peoples mics (a tiny

A Message About Racial Disparity at MakeHaven and What We Can Do

Submitted by J.R. Logan on

MakeHaven's reason for existence is to empower people through access to tools and learning, thereby affording them opportunities that otherwise would not be available. We are committed to having a membership that reflects all of the communities MakeHaven serves; one of the guiding principles of the organization is: “Our makerspace community is stronger when everyone is meaningfully involved and represented”. We believe that there is a strong alignment between MakeHaven’s organizational aspirations and the current movement calling for opportunity to be more fairly distributed.  However, at

Workaday Hack - DIY Phone Cradle

Submitted by Robert Narracci on

If you're working at home (I feel lucky to be doing so...some people aren't lucky enough to be working at home or to be working at all) this 30-60-90 degree cradle can make it easier to manage a phone next to a laptop during video conferencing. The double notch allows portrait or landscape orientation and it should be sized to hold your wetsuited phone snug. Flip it over if you'd like a more dramatic view of your nostrils. Made with 5/4 pine but anything thick enough to not tip over will do fine.

On the subject of tipping over...

A later edit for more stability.

From Sketches to functional prototypes. MakeHaven also facilitates academic research!

Submitted by Andrea Sanchez… on
I came to New Haven for a 4-month academic exchange at Yale University. Here, I collaborated with the Department of Cardiac Surgery to explore novel treatment options for patients with heart failure. With a biomedical engineering degree and an ongoing master's degree in Experimental Surgery, I aim to approach unmeet needs in the field of circulatory support for the development of improved cardiovascular devices.
I decided to join MakeHaven due to its excellent facilities and its 24hr accessibility since I had a tight timeframe for the realization of my project. In Make Haven I conducted