Woodworking Basics
Bundle Areas of Interest
Bundle Level
Recommended Skill Badges
This video covers the basics of using the Woodshop at MakeHaven, and is a pre-requisite for using the room or any of the tools in it.
Badge Checkout Requirement
Badge applied after successful quiz
Badge Slots Required
1 appointment slot -- can add a second 15 minute or less tool
Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Estimated Minutes for Checkout
15 Minutes
Badge Slots Required
1 appointment slot -- can add a second 15 minute or less tool
Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Estimated Minutes for Checkout
15 Minutes
Badge Slots Required
1 appointment slot -- can add a second 15 minute or less tool
Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Estimated Minutes for Checkout
10 Minutes
Badge Slots Required
1 appointment slot -- can add a second 15 minute or less tool
Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Estimated Minutes for Checkout
15 Minutes
The most commonly needed badges to get started in the woodshop