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Woodshop Drill Press

Applicable to woodshop drill press

Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Watch Video
Badge Video
Facilitator Checkout

Community Facilitators are volunteers who to advise MakeHaven members on projects and show members how to use the tools.

Facilitator hours will be BY APPOINTMENT during their listed hours. To make an appointment, contact the facilitator directly via Slack. To prevent unnecessary space access during the pandemic, facilitators will not be in the space unless they have an appointment. Note that some facilitators are available only for online virtual appointments at this time. Any questions please email

Community Facilitators are volunteers who to advise MakeHaven members on projects and show members how to use the tools.

When Photo Name / Activity Area

Jeffrey Cargos



Adam Work

Lasers & Woodworking


Michael Hanke



Mike Lockett


Woodworking Basics

Bundle Areas of Interest
Bundle Level
Recommended Skill Badges

This video covers the basics of using the Woodshop at MakeHaven, and is a pre-requisite for using the room or any of the tools in it.

Badge Checkout Requirement
Badge applied after successful quiz
Badge Slots Required
1 appointment slot -- can add a second 15 minute or less tool
Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Estimated Minutes for Checkout
15 Minutes
Badge Slots Required
1 appointment slot -- can add a second 15 minute or less tool
Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Estimated Minutes for Checkout
15 Minutes

Applicable to woodshop drill press

Badge Slots Required
1 appointment slot -- can add a second 15 minute or less tool
Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Estimated Minutes for Checkout
10 Minutes
Badge Slots Required
1 appointment slot -- can add a second 15 minute or less tool
Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Estimated Minutes for Checkout
15 Minutes

The most commonly needed badges to get started in the woodshop