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Support Tech Sunday

Join us for our second Support Tech Sunday!  The idea is simple: bring in a computer hardware/software project to hack on and ask for help and suggestionsWe're not tech support; instead, we're here to support tech.  It's not about fixing your computer for everyday tasks... it's about reviving dead machines, showing spare parts some TLC, and giving lonely motherboards a renewed purpose.

We're now doing this on a bi-weekly schedule, Sundays 11:00am - 3:00pm.

Last time, we sorted some spare tech, gave Trisquel Edu a test run, set up a LAMP server, and tried the Windows Camouflage mode of TAILS.  Plans for this week are to shift gears to Skolelinux rather than Trisquel for our classroom project; we hit some roadblocks when we rolled up our sleeves and got down to work, and Skolelinux looks like the right choice to get over those hurdles.

This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an educational intiative, where we set up computer labs for schools/community groups using spare hardware.  Once we get enough machines talking to each other, we'll discuss where we go from there.

Known hardware: Two old HP desktops, an Asus EeePC with a broken screen, a newer Dell Latitude, and SheevaPlug and DreamPlug plug computers.