MakeHaven Main Space
The main makerspace and connected shops. This is located at 770 Chapel Street. Registered participants should ring the MakeHaven labeled doorbell. They will be directed down a long hallway, and down a set of stairs to our basement workshop.
We will introduce the principles of useing the laser, for example, when to use vector cutting or raster engraving models.
The designs will be compared and then analized to identify improvements on the design.
Students can scan hand drawn images or can create an image that they want to use prior to class.
Students are asked to bring a laptop with Inkscape installed prior to class. Use of the MakeHaven computer will be available if arrangements are made prior to class.
Students will have 4 ornaments to take home or give as gifts.
No previous expereince is required. Basic computer skills are helpful.
There is a fee for this class, $20.00
NOTE: 60w Laser Reserved for Workshop