Thanks for your interest in volunteering!
We review applications in February (for March placement) and August (for September placement). Feel free to apply at any time, but keep in mind you won't likely hear back until our next review period unless an opening becomes available sooner. Current Facilitators: please complete this simpler form, as we have your original application on file.
Questions? Email
Facilitator Program
Individuals selected for the Community Facilitator program have the opportunity to take a leadership role in an area of interest. The goal is for each to inspire excitement, build community, and facilitate utilization of the makerspace. Facilitators do this by being available to work with members, by hosting learning events, and by completing and displaying sample projects.
Facilitators volunteer at MakeHaven four hours per week (three hours on-site). With our thanks, they receive a free membership, which grants access to tools, community, and all the other benefits of being a member. The fourth hour of weekly work is dedicated to communications, coordination, or setup.
Facilitators do not need to be expert in the field but should have experience and be willing to learn and teach in the areas.
Engage – Badge (safety check) members on tools. Ensure that people from every skill level and background are encouraged and empowered to take part in your area.
Offer Support - Support members using and learning about various pieces of equipment.
Cultivate positive community – Be a leader in discerning how to best organize the space; keep the areas related to your focus clean. Serve as a role model by demonstrating strong adherence to MakeHaven policies.
Supplies - Keep an eye on supplies in your area of work. Request reorders when running low. Suggest new equipment and supplies.
Equipment - Regularly inspect tools and equipment for your focus area. Report or maintain as necessary.
Create resources - Design and execute sample projects to be displayed in MakeHaven/on the projects page of our website. Provide learning resources for the community (a blog post, a learning guide, checklist, etc.)
Develop Leadership - Identify others who can take on a volunteer role. Coach them and make a recommendation for who is the next facilitator following your tenure.
Job Commitment
6 month commitment.
4 hours per week. On-site: 3 hours for regularly scheduled time in the makerspace (often 6pm -9pm), with up to 1 hour additional work throughout the week.
Facilitators receive:
Free membership
$10/month storage credit
$75 commuter subsidy per 6 month term by request.
Influence on growth and development of space.
Support from staff and volunteers to help build capacity and to master tools.
Champions receive:
- Free membership
- Influence on growth and development of space.
- Support from staff and volunteers to help build capacity and to master tools.
- Consideration for additional needs for the roles as requested.
Decided by MakeHaven staff through a competitive application process.
Open to both existing members and non-members.
Applications submitted online through the form below. Applications considered in August and February, as well as on a rolling basis based on openings.
Complete The Form Below to Apply