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Maker Year Challenge

Submitted by Make Haven on

MakeHaven has a challenge for you. Can you prove your maker skills by doing one project per month for the year? Starting in January for every month in 2016 I will be putting forth instructions for how to do a project. These projects with use all the different capabilities of the space. Those who succeed in doing all the projects will come out as skilled master maker. The list of projects is still developing but here is an idea of what will be on the list.

  • Create engraved box on laser cutter
  • Scan and 3d print a model of yourself
  • Build a beverage carrier with hand tools
  • Create custom shirt with vinyl cutter
  • Create a name plaque on wood cnc mIl
  • Create a candle mold, then make your own candle
  • Vacuum form a soap mold, then make a soap bar
  • and more....

The first project for January is already posted. So you can get started today.

Are you ready to commit to the challenge? If you are ready, you can signup and get started at: (login required)